Toward depolarization of public discourse in North Macedonia: Dialogue between the opposing political poles is the pre-requisite of surpassing the populist model of governance
In 2019-2020, the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje worked on the project “Toward depolarization of public discourse in North Macedonia: Dialogue between the opposing political poles is the pre-requisite of surpassing the populist model of governance,” supported by the National Endowment for Democracy. The project expanded the topic of depolarization and aimed to establish and maintain a productive dialogue between political opponents. Civil society organizations, academia, media and youth were equally included in the activities. The campaign “Depolarize” was part of the project to raise awareness and inform the general public about the importance of depolarization and culture of dialogue.
Links to documents produced in this project:
Policy brochure “The basic steps of polarization and populism” (available only in Macedonian and Albanian), available at: Основните-чекори-на-поларизација-и-популизам-1.pdf
Аwareness raising campaign “De-polarize, available at:
Policy brief “The State of Democracy in North Macedonia in the times of the Covid-19 Pandemic” available at:
Policy analysis “Measuring ‘authoritarianism from below’ in Macedonian society in the context of the Covid-19 crisis” available at:
Position paper on depolarization of inter-party relations as a precondition of substantively dismantling populist “state capture” governance, available at: