Elise Bernard
Elise Bernard, Public and European Law Lecturer
Holds a PhD in public law from the Sorbonne’s Institute of European Studies. Her thesis, Mutations et transitions de l’Etat contemporain, le cas serbe (Mutations and transitions of the contemporary state, the Serbian case) was published, in 2012, by the French publisher LGDJ. In addition to her academic career marked by nearly 20 publications on the articulation of European and national legal orders, and the direction for 5 years of the CNRS seminar Politique communautaire et réforme de l’Etat en Europe post communiste (European policy and state reform in post-communist Europe), she has organised training courses for civil servants in the Balkans as well as a citizens‘consultation on Europe in Belgrade with students from 11 different countries. Civilian auditor of the 28th promotion of the Ecole de Guerre (War College) de Paris, she currently teaches at the Master Geostrategy Defence and International Security of Sciences Po Aix, at the ESSEC’s MBA and sits as an assessor judge at the National Asylum Court, as a specialist in post-conflict areas. .