Ana Blazeva
Ana Blazheva, Ph.D., Researcher/ Assistant Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje She holds a BA in psychology, an MA in sociology and gender studies and PhD in cultural studies. She teaches qualitative research methodology and elective courses: gender policy and emotions and politics. Her research experience is mostly in qualitative research in the field of policy studies, gender, marginalized communities, media, social inclusion, education, youth etc. She has published research reports, policy research analysis, academic papers as well as manuals. Her interest is in interdisciplinary approach of emotions and politics and socio-political aspects of mental health.
She is also certified Gestalt psychotherapist working in private practice as part of Psihoterapika – Association for Psychology and Psychotherapy and trainer for Gestalt Psychotherapy in Gestalt institute – Sinergija, Skopje.
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Fax: +389 2 3113 059