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Announcing Interstices: a new book series

Announcing Interstices: a new book series

Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje
and Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture
are glad to announce the launch of a new book series:


• Ray Brassier, American University of Beirut
• Katerina Kolozova, ISSH-S / University American College Skopje
• Stanimir Panayotov, Central European University, Budapest / ISSH-S

Brief info: This series seeks to promote work at the interstices of philosophy and the sciences – we intend “sciences” in the widest sense, including the formal (mathematics, logic, computation, et al.), the natural (physics, biology, et al.) and the social (psychology, sociology, politics, economics, et al.). “Interstices” aims to foster the production of new knowledge by providing a venue for theoretical engagements with the sciences inspired by philosophy and critical theory. With this goal in mind, we invite proposals for research exploring interstices between philosophy and physics, metaphysics and biology, logic and politics, sex and technology, epistemology and computation. We welcome manuscripts by both established and early- to mid-career scholars whose research cannot be confined within established disciplinary boundaries.

Detailed description: While philosophy can be considered one among a variety of disciplines, the sciences do not have the status of a self-evident opposite to philosophy or metaphysics. Thus “science” designates neither the material reality of existing sets of disciplines, i.e., their practice and production; nor the immaterial reality of fixed principles of inquiry. Science is marked by one constant tendency as its “identity in the last instance” – that is, to be exact in its description of a specific object domain by constructing its laws through formal language. In this sense, science is always already in epistemological disagreement with philosophy, since it does not question the possibility of explaining the real or the pursuit of this explanation as its fundamental determination.

However, the metaphysical motivation to conceive of or domesticate and communicate the truth of “reality,” “self,” “intelligence,” “experience,” “knowledge,” “nature,” “humanity,” “society,” “culture,” “reason,” “freedom,” “finitude,” “infinity,” “sex,” and “gender,” remains a shared concern of philosophy and the sciences. Can they interact compatibly in a language of interdisciplinary translation? Or rather, can they communicate in a shared language of sufficient formalization that will intersect across fields determined by an object of study rather than by a disciplinary habitus or tradition?

This series of books seeks to propose a variety of answers to or investigations of such questions. We want to invest in projects that challenge both metaphysical and postmodernist certainties. We welcome proposals for bold but rigorous investigations navigating the anomalous spaces of theory produced by these interstices between philosophy and the sciences.
Interstices grew out of our Series of Books in Identities, whose progenitor in turn was the now internationally recognized Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, today in its 17th year of publication.

Submission instructions:

Authors should first send a manuscript proposal to: info@identitiesjournal.edu.mk. Please use our Book Proposal Form.

Submissions should be monograph-long manuscripts that are not considered elsewhere.

Once the proposal is sent, the editors will then screen the proposal and contact you. If your proposal is accepted, we will invite you to submit the entire manuscript for anonymous peer review.

We welcome a standard type of submission: approximately 60.000 words. This is not an exclusive criterion.

We welcome submissions from both tenure-tracked and independent (non-affiliated) researchers.

Authors should have proof-read, to the best of their abilities, the manuscript and submit it according to our Submission and Style Sheet Guidelines, which can be found here:

Submissions: http://tinyurl.com/ybbocv2c
Style Sheet: http://tinyurl.com/yb7zxzd4

Upon submission the editors will confirm receipt of your manuscript and will refer it to a panel of anonymous reviewers. The time frame between proposal submission and initial response from the editors would be four to eight weeks. The time frame between manuscript submission and peer review status and comments will typically be six months but some flexibility is required. The time frame between review process and final manuscript submission will last approximately one year.