+389 2 3113 059

Risto Aleksovski

Risto Aleksovski

Risto Aleksovski, is the public relation officer for the Institute of social sciences and humanities also a junior researcher. His main contribution to the research done by the ISSHS is gathering the data, data mining and visualization. The projects that he work on are: “”Who owns Alexander the Great?”: A Question Upon Which EU Enlargement Relies,” (data gathering and data visualization), “Ethnically and Gender Inclusive Grass-Root LGBTI Movements in Macedonia” (data gathering and data visualization), “Official Language Usage in Municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia” (data gathering), “Legalizing Restrictions of the Freedom of the Press” (data visualization), “TECHNOLOGY OF STATE CAPTURE Overregulation in Macedonian Media and Academia” (data mining and data visualization), Freedom of expression, association and entrepreneurship in a captured state: Macedonia in 2015 (data visualization), “Прирачник за застапување заснован на податоци“ /Manuel for advocacy based on data/ (research and data visualization). He is one of the creators of the campaign #заробенадржава and its web site and also the creator of the on line campaign that emerged from the publication “Legalizing Restrictions of the Freedom of the Press.”


Email: [email protected]
Phone/Fax: +389 2 3113 059